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2022 People of Color-Led Businesses in NH Survey

01/14/2022 8:27 AM | Anonymous

Business NH Magazine, in partnership with Organizational IgnitionManchester NAACP and the Business Association for People of Color - NH (BA-PoC NH), is compiling a list of People of Color-led (CEO, president or owner) businesses in NH for the April 2022 issue.

Companies are ranked by community impact and annual sales and listed under general headings (i.e. Under $1 Million in sales, $1 million to $5 million in sales, etc.). Specific revenue figures are used for ranking purposes only and are not publicly disclosed in the magazine but kept confidential.

Read more and respond to the survey HERE.

Business NH Magazine

The Diversity Workforce Coalition comprises employers and other community members whose dual purpose is to promote diversity in the workplace through education, training, and enhanced networking opportunities, and to identify and connect resources to its members and the public.

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