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From Day One: Getting to the Next Stage of Diversity & Belonging

  • 02/14/2024
  • 12:00 PM - 4:30 PM
  • Virtual


At a time of resistance and corporate austerity, DEI advocates will need to re-energize themselves and their organizations with new ideas, programs, and reasoning for the cause of diversity. What can DEI practitioners learn from companies with consistent success? How are companies changing their policies to respond to court rulings and lawsuits? What practices have brought the most progress in bringing diversity to leadership ranks? 

Learn more and register HERE.

An overview of current diversity efforts in recruitment | Talent Acquisition | HR Grapevine | Insight

The Diversity Workforce Coalition comprises employers and other community members whose dual purpose is to promote diversity in the workplace through education, training, and enhanced networking opportunities, and to identify and connect resources to its members and the public.

Mailing Address:

PO Box 927
Manchester, NH 03105

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